Meet Our Community
David Kasochi Zambia

David Kasochi is a bassist, composer, bandleader and founder of Zambian jazz fusion group Afro RED. A recognizable presence on the Lusaka scene, Kasochi formed Afro RED in 2009 to revive the culture of live music in Zambia, with a special focus on jazz. Kasochi has organized International Jazz Day events with Afro RED since 2016 at a range of local venues, involving bands from across the country and surrounding south-central Africa. Read on to learn why Kasochi feels Zambia needs IJD right now.
What does jazz music mean to you? To your community?
To me, before jazz as music, it is life. I live it, so its manifestation is through music. Jazz music to me is an expression of love, peace, giving and–most importantly–living. I believe that people who embrace jazz find it easy to embrace peace and harmony in society.
Why are you celebrating International Jazz Day? Why is it important?
I am celebrating International Jazz day because the world and my community need it. The confusion that has rocked my country can only be stopped by the universal language that preaches love and peace. That’s jazz to me. The people that are coming to this event are of high caliber and influence so I am sure after this event they will take the positive news back into the communities they manage.
What would you like to see happen through this day–short term and long term?
I’d love to see people do extraordinary things like giving to the homeless. Reconciliation should begin to exist from this day henceforth.