Frequently Asked Questions

Please see below for some common questions we receive about International Jazz Day events and participation.

How can I become an International Jazz Day partner?

International Jazz Day partners are people or organizations who participate in International Jazz Day each year. It’s as simple as that. Whether you organize a jazz listening session with friends every April 30, perform for residents at your local senior center or present a full-scale festival, we are proud to have you in our Jazz Day family. Check out some more ideas here for organizing your own celebration, and be sure to register your event to appear on If you represent a qualifying organization or institution, you can receive recognition on our dedicated Organizational Partner page. Simply let our team know you are interested by emailing [email protected].

Is there a cost to participate in International Jazz Day?

It is completely free to participate in International Jazz Day. Many of our partners organize small events that cost nothing or little to produce. Others plan larger events that do have an associated budget. The scope and size of an event is entirely up to you. Keep in mind that neither the Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz nor International Jazz Day can help defray costs associated with your event.

I want to participate but I don't know what to do. Can you help?

Sure! Please check out some suggestions here. Remember that no event or activity is too small–what’s important is that you do something to honor jazz and its legacy on or around April 30, even if it’s from the comfort of your home!

How can I have my International Jazz Day celebration included on the official calendar of events?

To register your celebration as an official International Jazz Day event, simply visit and enter your information. Please try registering your event via the website before contacting our team.

Sometimes technical issues can arise. If you are having trouble registering your event using the form on, please reach out to our team at [email protected] and someone will assist you.

I just registered my event on How long before my event will appear on the official events page and the map?

Every registration is reviewed individually by our outreach team. Occasionally, if we are receiving a heavy volume of registrations, it might take 48 hours or longer for your event to be reviewed and appear on the map. If your event has not been approved after 72 hours, please reach out to our team.

Can I use the logos of UNESCO or the Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz on my promotional materials if I am organizing an International Jazz Day event?

We cannot grant permission for our partners to use the UNESCO logo. Should you wish to obtain official UNESCO sanction for your event, please contact your country’s National Commission for UNESCO or Permanent Delegation to UNESCO and let them know you are organizing a program for International Jazz Day.

Use of the Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz logo is typically not permitted for International Jazz Day partner events unless the Institute is directly involved in the organization and/or execution of the program. For more information, reach out to our team.

Click here to access a downloadable package of official graphics that you can use to brand your Jazz Day event.

I made a poster for my International Jazz Day event; can you include it on your website?

Absolutely! Please email a png or jpeg of your poster to [email protected] (5 MB in size or smaller), and your poster will be included in our gallery. Please note that we only display posters for events that have been officially registered on our site.

How can I connect with you on social media?

First, consider following us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Then, when you post about your event, please be sure to tag our page (@IntlJazzDay) and include the official #JazzDay.

I have a great jazz-related project or video that I would like help promoting. Can International Jazz Day help?

Requests for social media support are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. If your project is not directly related to International Jazz Day, we may not be able to help promote it. We cannot promote or share any content that directs or encourages users to purchase any product or service. We reserve the right to decline any promotional request at our discretion.

Can International Jazz Day crosspost my Facebook Live video?

Due to an overwhelming volume of requests for crossposting our partners’ live videos, at this time we are not able to accept unsolicited crossposting requests.

Can International Jazz Day help me find an artist for my program?

Occasionally we are able to connect partners with artists in our network, either by recommending the artist or by providing an introduction at our discretion. However, we will not negotiate with the artist or serve as an intermediary between the organizer and the artist, and make no representation or guarantee that either the artist or the organizer will agree to participate in the program. Any engagement resulting from either our recommendation or introduction is undertaken at the sole risk and expense of the partner.

How can I have my International Jazz Day videos or photos showcased on

We would love to include videos and/or photos from your International Jazz Day celebration on Reach out to our team at [email protected] for more information. All video submissions must be in the form of YouTube videos. Please note that, due to the large volume of video and photo submissions we receive, we may not be able to post your content immediately. We reserve the right not to publish videos or photos that are not directly related to International Jazz Day, or that contain any insensitive, inappropriate or explicit material.

How can I have my International Jazz Day videos or photos showcased on the International Jazz Day social media channels?

Please reach out to [email protected] with your request. Due to the large volume of video and photo submissions we receive, we are not able to accommodate every social media request.

I'd like to apply to host the next Jazz Day celebrations in my city. How do I do that?

UNESCO has launched a Call for Applications for the Global Host City for the 2026 International Jazz Day celebration.

Visit for complete application requirements and a link to the online application.

You can also review additional technical details with the Jazz Day Technical Annex (PDF).

The deadline for 2026 Applications is November 152024 (Midnight, CET).

Eligible Applicants:

  • Cities of UNESCO’s Member States and Associate Members
  • Non-Governmental Organizations endorsed by or in partnership with a city of a UNESCO Member State or Associate Member

Languages of Submission:

  • The complete Application Form must be submitted online in English or French, which are the two working languages of the UNESCO Secretariat.

Should you have any questions regarding the application process or requirements, please do not hesitate to contact Kamil Walji (Manager, Strategic Partnerships) at [email protected].

Can International Jazz Day fund my event?

No. International Jazz Day is an extrabudgetary initiative of UNESCO, meaning all participants must find their own funding for their events.

How can I build partnerships in my region? includes extensive listings of all International Jazz Day events registered since 2013. We invite you to visit for some inspiration regarding potential partners in your country or region. Events are organized by country, to make it easy to see who is celebrating International Jazz Day each year.

For additional partnership ideas, consider doing some research on jazz and other music festivals, as well as nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in your region who specialize in the performing arts. Many of these organizations may already be creating their own International Jazz Day events, and could be interested in linking up with your program.

Can I request a video from Herbie Hancock or another artist that I can play at my event?

While we wish we could honor requests for personalized videos for all of our wonderful partners, unfortunately our artists do not have the capacity to do this.