Meet Our Community
Club Matador Spain

“Jazz can help to understand each personal world; since jazz is pure emotion, it really makes you feel your life.”
Tell us a little about your organization’s mission
Club Matador is an exclusive cultural place in which it is offered an interesting and wide program full of music, dance, conversations with masters, food and so much more. In the elegant and famous Salamanca neighborhood you can find one of the most exclusive place for enjoying the art world.
Why does your organization celebrate International Jazz Day?
Because we have one concert each day in our unique room “Jazz Club” and we are very focused on and interested in this kind of music.
Tell us about a favorite memory from International Jazz Day
It is the first time we celebrate it due to our new opening so, unfortunately, we don’t have memories yet. But very soon we will create a lot of them to enjoy together!
How do you think jazz can improve people’s lives?
It can help to understand each personal world since jazz is pure emotion, it really makes you feel your life.