“Nanama” is a Ute Native American word. It means, “All together as one.” Nanama global is truly an international collaboration of musicians who’ve willingly volunteered their artistry to make a video specifically for International Jazz Day. The music video remembers and honors a great elephant named Themba. Themba was killed circa the year 1890 for his ivory which was used to manufacture pianos keys in 1899. And yet to this day elephants face a very uncertain future for a variety of reasons; among them being persistent poaching for their ivory. Themba is indeed the inspiration for our video and we hope together as one we will help call greater attention to the plight of elephants.This one’s for Themba. Aho, aho for Themba! Nanama!
Contact Person: John Riger
Tel: + 1 970 501-8400
Email: [email protected]
For Themba by Nanama Global
18207 Highway 133
18207 Highway 133