UNESCO Int.l Jazz Day 10th ed. Livorno 2022
04/30 21:00
Livorno, Tuscany, Italy, first italian city to promote UNESCO jazz day - promoting jazz events all through the month of April J.A.M. Jazz Appreciation Month under the high patronage of CNIU Commissione Nazionale Italiana per UNESCO since 2012.
The concert will take place at the local Music Convatory "Pietro Mascagni" presenting Mauro Grossi, Francesco Petreni, Andrea Pellegrini, Nicola Carrai (Chapman Stick) among some of the best jazz students such as Federico Monzani, Daniele Paoletti, Federica Fiorentini, Ilaria D'Auria.
Promoted and organized by Comitato UNESCO Jazz Day Livorno and Livorno Municipality (Comune di Livorno).
The Comitato UNESCO Jazz Day Livorno and the musicologist Stefano Zenni promote the C.Mingus Day from 2019.
Conservatorio Pietro Mascagni, Livorno
Contact Person: Andrea Pellegrini
Tel: +39 3386346037
Email: andreapellegriniconstantini@gmail.com
Auditorium Cesare Chiti, Conservatorio Pietro Mascagni
Auditorium Cesare Chiti
Conservatorio Pietro Mascagni, Via Galilei, 40
Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo, J.A.M. Jazz Appreciation Month, apr. 22, Charles Mingus Day! With Bruno Tommaso, Nino Pellegini
Sala del Mare - Sala della balena Annie (Whale Annie's Room)
Via Roma 234
Via Roma 234
Teatro Goldoni, book showcases. J.A.M. Jazz Appreciation Month /International Book Day, apr. 23. Stefano Zenni presents: "Louis Armstrong, un lampo e due dita - Thomas Brothers, Ed. Quodlibet, 2021; "Mingus - Graphic novel", fumetto di Squaz e Flavio Massarutto, Coconino Press - Fandango ed., 2021.
Sala Mascagni
Teatro Goldoni
Via Enrico Mayer, 57