April 7, 2022

Umbria Noise. Mostra discografica del Jazz in Umbria

04/29 19:30



Umbria Noise. Mostra discografica del Jazz in Umbria
Auditorium del Conservatorio di Perugia from april 29th to may 8th
Opening of the exhibition april 29th h.19:30

By Riccardo Corradini
Supported by Perugia Conservatory Department of Musicology


Umbria Noise. Jazz record exhibition in Umbria
Auditorium of the Conservatory of Perugia from april 29th to may 8th
Opening of the exhibition april 29th h.19: 30

By Riccardo Corradini
Supported by Perugia Conservatory Department of Musicology


Conservatorio di Musica di Perugia
Contact Person: Mario Raja
Tel: + 39 75 5733844
Email: [email protected]


Umbria Noise. Mostra discografica del Jazz in Umbria
Auditorium foyer
Piazza Francesco Morlacchi
Perugia, Umbria 06123

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