April 10, 2022

Le voci di Mingus by Claudia Aliotta – Book preview and radio broadcast

04/21 21:00

Spello (Pg)


DOT Radio celebrates Charles Mingus Centennial Anniversary with a special broadcast hosted by Claudia Aliotta, singer and jazz historian, author of the book "Le voci di Mingus" (Edizioni Etabeta). The writer will present a preview of her work expected release date in May 2022 and will talk about the great afroamerican jazz composer. From radio studios, Claudia Aliotta will held a four episodes programm with speaker Marco Cocco; she will explore the role of voice, word e poetry in Mingus' music from The Chill of Death to his songs, until his works linked to Jazz Poetry and his collaboration with Joni Mitchell, without forget his commitment to human rights and racial issues.

Click here to listen to the radio programme.


DOT Radio
Tel: +393498657362
Email: [email protected]


DOT Radio
Via Giuseppe di Vittorio
Spello (Pg), Umbria - Italy 06038

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