Banda a l’escola participa en #JazzDay

04/28 13:30



Con motivo del Dia Internacional del Jazz, las bandas de música de 3º de ESO del IES Andreu Sempere de Alcoi (Alacant), escuela asociada a la redPEA-UNESCO, han interpretado Basic Blues, Bottom Bass Boogie y Trombone Rag.


On the occasion of International Jazz Day, the music bands of the 3rd year of ESO from the IES Andreu Sempere in Alcoi (Alacant), a school associated with the ASPnet-UNESCO, have performed Basic Blues, Bottom Bass Boogie and Trombone Rag.


IES Andreu Sempere
Contact Person: Jesús Martínez
Tel: + 34 695 78 44 31
Email: [email protected]


IES Andreu Sempere (Alcoi)
Aula de Música
Carrer Isabel la Catòlica 46
Alacant, Alacant 03803

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