Tributo a Charlie Parker, John Coltrane e Paul Desmond, por Vinícius Ribeiro Quartet – IECG JAZZ WEEK

04/26 18:00



The Tribute to Charlie Parker, John Coltrane and Paul Desmond is a show that celebrates the work and legacy of these three great names in the history of jazz and music in general.
The show is an opportunity for the public to get to know even more deeply the work of these artists and appreciate their most famous compositions and recordings, in addition to remembering the importance they had in the history of music and jazz.
The "Vinicius Ribeiro Quartet" will be formed by great musicians and renowned artists from Pará: Adelbert Carneiro on Double Bass, Robenare Marques on Piano and Walter Almeida on Drums. And there will still be the special participation of virtuous saxophonists Danilo Couto and Daniel Serrão.


Instituto Estadual Carlos Gomes
Contact Person: Robenare Marques
Tel: +55 91988264862
Email: [email protected]


Instituto Estadual Carlos Gomes
Ettore Bosio
Av. Gentil Bitencourt, 977 - Nazaré
Belém, PA 66040-174

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