Mesa Redonda “Vivências e Perspectivas do Jazz na Amazônia”

04/24 17:30



A discussion forum on the educational and artistic practice of jazz music in the Amazon. The forum will be composed of the following members: Mediator - Prof. Msc Robenare Marques; Prof. Dr. Leonardo Coelho; Mr. Fernando Carneiro (Politician and Alderman in the municipality of Belém – PA, creator of the bill that creates the municipal day of Jazz); Prof. Dr. Ivan Risafi and Prof. Msc Felipe Sequeira.


Instituto Estadual Carlos Gomes
Contact Person: Robenare Marques
Tel: +
Email: [email protected]


Instituto Estadual Carlos Gomes
Sala Ettore Bosio
Avenida Gentil Bittencourt 977
Entre Quintino Bocaiúva e Generalíssimo
Belém, Pará 66040174

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