Francesco Tortora Jazz Trio at Paolo’s Deli

04/30 19:21



FRANCESCO TORTORA JAZZ TRIO is based upon the band leader (from Italy) and two Thai musicians in his lineup. Through the interpretation of great jazz classics of all times, the musicians of the FRANCESCO TORTORA JAZZ TRIO, aim to present the listener with a version as close as possible to the original spirit of the compositions spanning the Origins Years to the modern and contemporary era. The main sense of this project is to cooperate in creating a "cultural bridge" between Italy and Thailand in the name of Jazz


Paolo's Deli
Contact Person: Francesco Tortora
Tel: + 66 094 984 4888
Email: [email protected]


Paolo's Deli
Oasis Avenue Nichada Thani, Muang Nonta Bur
159/143 Rattanathibet Road Saima Mueang
Nonthaburi, Bangkok 11000

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