April 2, 2024

I Am Jazzman!

04/30 12:00



Baku Jazz Festival has been holding the International competition of young jazz performers I Am Jazzman! for the eighteenth year. The I Am Jazzman! competition annually serves to identify new talents and launch their careers in the music field. Some of the competition winners have already become recognized professional musicians in the world. Our goal is to promote intellectual music in Azerbaijan and promote Azerbaijani jazz musicians in the world. The I Am Jazzman! competition is a platform for communication and friendship.

Event Sponsor(s)

Equinor, Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Medeniyyet TV


Baku Jazz Festival
Contact Person: Leyla Efendiyeva
Tel: +
Email: [email protected]


Mugham Center
Azərbaycan, Bakı, AZ1004
Dənizkənarı Milli Park, M.Useyinov pr. 30
Baku, Azerbaijan AZ1001