Frankopanski krug

04/30 18:00



The title of event is chosen because of connection of our castle Grobnik and ancient noble Croatian family Frankopan. 30th of april is also the day when the last members of this family died.
Concert starts at 20:00 and it will present the adaptation of midieval Croatian music in jazz arrangement. The artist is well known guitarist, composer and arranger ZORAN MAJSTOROVIC. Zoran will perform with trio: Bojan Skocilic (double bass), Robert Mikuljan (trumpet), Zoran Majstorovic (guitar, lute).


Katedra Čakavskog sabora Grobnišćine
Contact Person: Marijan Zidaric
Tel: +
Email: [email protected]


Kaštel Grobnik
Trg Zrinskih i Frankopana 1
Čavle, Primorsko-goranska 51219

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