Jazz & Etno: Mikko Sarvanne Garden

05/15 19:00



Composer Mikko Sarvanne's band, Mikko Sarvanne Garden, transports the listener to a parallel reality, a garden, where the fragrances echo premonitions of contemporary vocal and percussion music, Nordic jazz and even sound art. The music of the band offers a transcendent experience – a synthesizer glowing like a rising sun, deep-rooted low strings rumbling like a profound undergrowth, and the flexible cathedrals of bright vocal harmonies enclose the listener in a tender embrace.

The band's first album, Heräämisen valkea myrsky (The White Storm of Awakening), based on Erkka Filander's eponymous poetry collection, was released in October 2022. The compositions on the album received the Teosto Award in spring 2023.

Event Partner(s)

Suomen Jazzliitto


Oulu Music Festival
Contact Person: Mira Pirttisalo
Tel: +
Email: [email protected]


11 Hallituskatu
Oulu, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa 90100